CEQA: Getting Started
A helpful guide for anyone who is just getting started learning about or implementing CEQA
State Clearinghouse
Review of environmental documents prepared for CEQA
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Reducing the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects
Federal Assistance
Resources to help practitioners use and comply with CEQA
General Plan Information
Technical guidance and other resources to help draft and update general plans
Resources to support transportation planning in California, including SB 743
Military Affairs
Information about LCI’s‘ collaboration with the military on land use planning energy policy
Land Use Resources
Resources to support local governments with sustainable, resilient land use planning
Getting Started with Climate Resilience
Introduction to climate change risk and resilience, state initiatives, and resources for taking action
Integrated Climate Adaptation & Resiliency Program (ICARP)
Statewide collaboration to prepare California for the impacts of climate change
ICARP Grant Programs
Grant programs to support local, regional, and tribal climate adaptation and resilience.
Climate Assessment, Science, and Research
California’s Climate Change Assessment, research priorities, and visualization tools